News Concerning Pollack & Pollack Law

Far from court at a condo pool, Judge Renatha Francis is said to threaten to take away a stranger’s kids
'Finally, they found someone willing to represent them, Yuliya Pollack, a family and criminal defense lawyer in Casselberry. And they decided to tell their story about Frances.
“It’s an example for our daughters,” Oleg Mervyak said. “We decided if we go public, it would probably be the best protection we could get from her harassing us again.”'
Что надо знать, если вас остановила полиция за рулем вашей машины по обычным водительским права
"Что надо знать, если вас остановила полиция за рулем вашей машины по обычным водительским права.
К сожалению, никто не застрахован от нарушений или поломок машины, которые могут стать причиной того, что полицейский решит остановить вас."

Yuliya Pollack of Pollack & Pollack Law: I Am Living Proof Of The American Dream
""Yuliya Pollack is a successful attorney and co-founder of a law firm, but her journey to the top was not an easy one. As an immigrant from Ukraine and young mother with limited resources and no English, Yuliya had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet, including cleaning stadiums at night and working as a restaurant bus girl during the day."